What's brewing

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Send-off Sunday

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Mine was full of a whole lot of nothing +  being sick with a cold! At least I caught up on some T.V. right?!? Getting back on track, here's your first Sunday send-off since the 5 month stump!

It's not my own, but I found this while pinning and was inspired, so here ya go! 

I am all for making life a bit richer and maybe this will give us all the little kick in the butt we need to get out, take in the fresh air and LIVE! Make the most of this week--it's almost MAY!?

Always love,

Saturday, April 14, 2012

5 month stump!

Well, speak about breaks.  It's been over 5 MONTHS since my last post. My apologies.  But in fact, no one probably even reads this, so #sorryimnotsorry.

I looked up "break" in an online dictionary just a moment ago.  If you scroll down through the definitions, you'll come across this:

17. Make a pause in (a journey)

Looking at all the definitions, this seemed to fit the most for what happened.  When I started this blog, I guess you could say I really wanted to work on #77 on my bucket list (if you're new, see my about me!).  I love writing, and I thoroughly enjoyed blogging.  But then I started getting to a point where I was worried about what I was writing.  Was it stupid? Did it really matter? All of these thoughts crossed my mind and then I went into a funk.  A 5 month funk.  Everyday I would think about things that I could blog about.  I would get all hyped up about a new post, and then the negative Nancy in me would come out.  And then I wouldn't write anything, hence no blog posts since Halloween. 

I often thought, I want to write something that means something to someone. Inspired by Peyton Sawyer from One Tree Hill. See video. "But I cant.  And If I can't be great at it, I don't want to ruin it.  It's too important to me."  So that's what I've been feeling and that is what has created this 5 month stump.

If you've stuck around, thank you:-) If you're new, welcome! I'm back and with a new direction strategy inspiration.

I started following a new blog recently.  The writer of the blog is a personal acquaintance and her story is inspiring.  She began her blog only a few weeks ago on the premise that it would be for herself.  And that it wouldn't be perfect, because let's face it--nothing is!

So that got me motivated, and helped me reflect back to when I was making the bucket list...I put #77 on there, because I love writing.  I like sharing my voice.  And it is something that makes me happy:-) So this blog was an outlet for me to be creative and to do something that I enjoy doing, or that was the original idea at least. And I think when I went on "break" it was because I forgot that, and was worrying too much about what I maybe hoped it would be/do instead of what it was.

So here I am, back with a new inspiration.  And a new challenge.  To remember that each time I post, this is for me.   And if in turn it inspires someone else, wonderful.  But if it doesn't, well then I still enjoyed doing it, right?! 

If you've stuck it out through this post, I thank you--it was a lengthy one.  I'm happy to be back on the blogosphere and I look forward to more posts.  It's time to get that conversation brewing!

Always love,